Does Constipation Cause Weight Gain?

Does Constipation Cause Weight Gain

Various Americans deal with constipation, a typical digestive predicament. It might create discomfort and vexation but does constipation cause weight gain?
If you’re curious about constipation’s link to weight gain, read on.
Below, we will explore how constipation relates to weight gain. First, we’ll look at the factors involved. Then, we’ll discuss related issues.

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What Is Constipation?

Bowel routines are not the same for everyone. Some go twice daily, others twice a week. About 15% of Americans have chronic constipation, a bowel issue.
There’s no single definition for “normal.” Fewer than three movements a week usually indicate constipation, but this can change.
Constipation has different definitions for different characters. Your patterns might not fit standard definitions.

Symptoms of Constipation

Beyond irregular bowel movements, constipation can also cause other symptoms. These may include:

  • Dry, hard stools
  • Painful or strained bowel movements
  • Extended time spent on the toilet
  • The feeling of incomplete evacuation
  • Abdominal discomfort
  • Bloating

Knowing these symptoms can help you spot an unbalanced digestive system. This may prevent weight gain from constipation.

Does Constipation Cause Weight Gain?

Yes, constipation can cause temporary weight gain. It builds up waste in the digestive system. This weight isn’t fat, but it can still make your scale readings vary.
Here’s how constipation is linked to weight changes:

  1. Temporary Weight Increase

Constipation causes a moderate stool burden, making your body hold onto waste. On average, daily bowel movements eliminate about a pound of waste.
When bowel habits slow, this extra waste accumulates, resulting in weight gain from constipation. Once regularity returns, your weight typically drops back to normal.
Keeping bowel movements regular helps prevent digestive issues and weight gain.

  1. Water Retention

Constipation often brings bloating and heaviness, leading to temporary weight gain. This discomfort is due to the body retaining water to stay hydrated and aid digestion.
As waste builds up, fluids gather, causing a sluggish, swollen feeling. However, when bowel movements return to normal, the body usually sheds this extra water. These eases bloating and restores balance.

  1. Underlying Factors

Several factors contribute to both constipation and weight gain. These include:

  • A low-fiber diet, which slows digestion
  • Inactivity, which reduces metabolism
  • Dehydration, which worsens these issues

These factors, along with obesity and constipation, contribute to digestive problems and weight changes.

  1. Gut Health

Gut health relies on regular bowel movements. Constipation disrupts your microbiome’s balance. This bacterial community affects metabolism and fat storage.
Prolonged waste buildup allows harmful bacteria to thrive. This, in turn, can disrupt food processing and weight control.

How Much Does Constipation Add to Weight?

Constipation can cause a temporary weight gain of 1-5 pounds. This weight is just a waste in your gut, not fat. Once your intestines work well again, the weight drops off.
Everyone’s experience is different. The scale might go up, but it’s due to stool retention, not fat gain. Regular bowel movements typically bring your weight back to normal.

Constipation and Weight Loss

Irregularity can, unexpectedly, result in a weight decrease for a few persons. This contradicts typical assumptions. So, can constipation cause weight loss?
Constipation can feel unpleasant. It may also diminish your hunger, effecting temporary fat drop.
However, this isn’t a healthy method and often fails. Once your system is back to normal, you’ll regain the weight.
Then, expect larger bowel movements. For lasting weight loss, aim for healthier, sustainable methods.

Does Slow Digestion Cause Weight Gain?

Slow stomach emptying sets off a chain reaction. Food lingers, causing bloating and fatigue, which reduce activity. This, in turn, lowers calorie burn.
It also distorts hunger signals, leading to overeating or poor food choices. These factors increase the risk of weight gain. However, diet and lifestyle are crucial for weight control.
Delayed digestion is just one factor in a complex challenge. It affects energy, appetite, and eating habits. Its link to weight is intertwined with many other variables.

Can Boost Cause Constipation?

Some people, especially those sensitive to fiber or protein, may get constipated after consuming Boost and similar drinks.
If you notice digestive issues after using these products, try reducing or stopping your intake. Whole foods are better than supplements for balanced nutrition.
Supplements can upset digestion. So, pay attention to your body. Adjust your intake as needed. Natural foods offer gentler nourishment. Fine-tune your diet based on how you feel.
Healthy foods often surpass pills and powders

How to Prevent Weight Gain with Constipation?

To prevent constipated weight gain, consider the following:

  • Drink more fluids daily. Also, enjoy hydrating foods like cantaloupe, cucumber, and papaya.
  • Raise your fiber with oatmeal, apples, and broccoli. These foods aid digestion and improve health.
  • Change chicken to fiber-dense plant proteins, like lentils.
  • Select a common fiber supplement.
  • Use a pharmacy laxative for a temporary fix.
  • Lower stress levels through deep breaths, relaxation practices, or journaling.
  • Follow yoga sequences prescribed for fighting constipation.
  • Increase exercise, such as strolling post-meal.


In conclusion, does constipation cause weight gain? Constipation can lead to temporary weight gain. This is due to stool and water retention, not fat.
To fix constipated weight gain, increase fiber, stay hydrated, and exercise. These actions aid digestion and reduce bloating.
Acting quickly prevents serious issues like liver problems or blockages.
Good digestive health avoids discomfort and weight changes. Remember, a healthy gut is vital for well-being and stable weight.


Does chronic constipation cause weight gain?
Chronic constipation can lead to temporary weight gain due to stool buildup. However, it doesn’t cause lasting weight increases. It rarely affects metabolism or long-term fat storage. The weight changes are usually brief and limited to the intestines.

Can constipation cause belly fat?
Constipation stretches your belly but doesn’t enhance belly fat. This bloating can make your waist seem larger. However, fixing digestion issues can improve your waist’s appearance, even without fat loss. Regular bowel movements are key to a flat, comfortable stomach.

Is constipation after diarrhea normal?
Yes, it’s usual to face constipation after diarrhea. The body just needs some time to get better. This is commonly attributed to digestion or moisture matters.

Can constipation cause liver problems?
Severe or long-lasting constipation can lead to serious problems. It might cause intestinal blockages. These blockages can affect vital organs beyond the gut. For example, the liver may be harmed if waste buildup becomes too high.

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